With a low carbon footprint and a wide variety of uses, cellulose filaments are a sustainable biomaterial derived from wood fiber that is mechanically processed without chemicals or enzymes. Resolute is building a C$27 million commercial plant specializing in the production of this new material at our Kénogami (Québec) paper mill. Including C$11 million that will go towards modernizing our paper production equipment, our investment in the Kénogami mill totals C$38 million.
“Our investment in cellulose filaments represents an opportunity to enter into non-traditional growth markets with innovative technologies,” said Yves Laflamme, president and chief executive officer, during a press conference attended by government representatives, local dignitaries and employees on January 15, 2020.
Cellulose filaments can be integrated into commercial and consumer products from many industries, including transportation, construction and energy, increasing the resistance and durability of those products.
The extraction technology was developed by FPInnovations Inc., one of Canada’s largest scientific forest product research and development centers, of which Resolute is a member. Performance Biofilaments, a Resolute–Mercer International joint venture, will help market the cellulose filaments produced at Kénogami.
The new plant will create eight jobs in its startup phase, slated for 2021, and a total of 23 jobs once it reaches its full production capacity of 21 metric tons per day. These new jobs will be in addition to the 200 existing positions at the paper mill. We are proud of the steps we are taking to find new uses for forest products, contributing to the sustainability of our environment and the viability of our industry.