Employees of Resolute’s Thunder Bay sawmill proudly presented a cheque for $10,000 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder Bay during a ceremony held at the sawmill on April 30. Pat Suddaby, president of the board of directors, and Doug Adams, director of the board, accepted the donation on behalf of the organization.
Through Resolute’s Board of Directors Safety Award program, the Thunder Bay sawmill recently earned $10,000 to donate to charitable or community organizations chosen by its employees for achieving 750,000 consecutive hours without a recordable injury.
“We are proud of the safety performance of our Thunder Bay sawmill,” stated Michael Martel, vice president, Wood Products Operations – Ontario. “This impressive safety milestone is a credit to the vigilance and commitment of all our employees. We are pleased they have chosen to support the Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder Bay.”
Established in Thunder Bay for over 40 years, the Boys & Girls Clubs provides a safe, supportive place where children and youth between 4 and 18 years of age can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships, and develop confidence and skills for life through various workshops, programs and services.
Since 2010, through the Board of Directors Safety Award Program, Resolute has donated more than $250,000 to Northwestern Ontario community programs and organizations chosen by the employees of the company’s pulp and paper mill, sawmills, wood pellet plant and woodlands operations in the region. Donations to worthy causes chosen by employees of all Resolute operations that have reached significant safety milestones total over $2.2 million.